The Essential Role of Baha'i Youth
"Once the youth learns that this Cause is their Cause, and that through it they can ensure their future social tranquility and spiritual progress, then they will arise and consecrate their life to the promotion of this Faith. And no one can awaken the youth of the world to a consciousness of this road to salvation ex-cept from their own numbers—youths already inspired with the Bahá’í spirit."
Shoghi Effendi
To every generation of young believers comes an opportunity to make a contribution to the fortunes of humanity, unique to their time of life. For the present generation, the moment has come to reflect, to commit, to steel themselves for a life of service from which blessing will flow in abundance.
For more details and to register to attend a conference in the United States, visit the youth conferences website at
Los Angeles Aug 31-Sept 2 (Sat-Mon) University of California at Los Angeles